Whether you begin with the La Cosecha Conference, direct on-site consulting with DLeNM, or on your own, be sure to sustain your dual language professional development initiatives throughout the school year with FUENTE365

DLeNM’s online professional development platform, a “tool kit” full of resources that every school and classroom needs throughout the year.

Investing in FUENTE365 provides 24/7 access to instructional videos, professional articles, and programmatic and instructional resources. FUENTE365 resources are focused on the implementation of quality dual language enrichment education, targeted specifically to you as a dual language teacher or administrator, researcher, parent, or community member.

FUENTE365 is the centerpiece of DLeNM’s Dual Language Clearinghouse for Resources and Support. Enrollment is available for individuals, single institutions, and districts and provides exclusive access to FUENTE365 for a full year.

No matter what your role, FUENTE365 will provide you the resources, networking, and advocacy you need in your dual language classroom 24/7.

With FUENTE365 you will also receive…

  • Soleado—Promising Practices from the Field, DLeNM’s quarterly newsletter, and stay abreast of the latest developments on program design and implementation, instruction and assessment, family and community, advocacy and political updates, and more… all from teachers, researchers, community activists, and students from dual language programs. Soleado is available in hard copy to subscribers and electronically to others.
  • Monographs that allow you to explore Soleado topics in greater depth.
  • Access to DLeNM’s growing collection of video resources (nearly 100 videos) that share promising practices for educators and school/district administrators (these include both La Cosecha presentations and classroom contexts).
  • Extensive resources that support and sustain your school’s efforts to provide high-quality instruction and on-going program implementation, assessment, and development initiatives 365 days a year.
  • Networking and professional development opportunities with DLeNM staff and dual language colleagues around the country through e-mail updates, blogs, Facebook, etc
  • Opportunities to post or access dual language job openings.
  • And more!